Thursday, July 8, 2010

Driving...Driving...Driving, 23 days

So this picture may not be as exciting to you as some of the previous, but I think its kind of cool. Yesterday we drove to Blantyre, then today we drove back. Yesterday Janet and I were together, so it was quite nice, but today she had to drive another car back to it was about 4 hours in the car and I forgot my Ipod. Yeah, I know! But I found it kind of cool that that there are some kids running in the shot, you also get a great side view of my truck in the mirror, then there is the fact that I didn't roll my window down all the way, so it makes the picture kind of two toned. Yes, its the little things, and I love that you can really see the contrast of the grass.

This is what I get to see when I am driving, but its really way better than what I can catch on camera. Imagine when the sun is setting!! Wowzers!

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