Thursday, July 22, 2010

9 days... part two of Soul care

Today we had a second day of our souls being taken care of. In the morning we talked about where we were from. We also were given some goodie bags with makeup. So...Lauren and I of course decided to get some bold colors and put them on!! This would be the end product of that!! And.. it looks like Im glowing.. I am! I couldn't figure out the buttons on the camera I borrow. =) The team that is putting on the soul care is from Virginia so what more to think of but the beach... So Janet had to try on the beautiful shades. Lastly the team had Lauren over for dinner and they surprised her with a belated bday present and some extra loving. It was a great day!!! And my evening included dinner with Annie, Kim, Jenn, Jeff and the wonderful people in Mtsiliza. My camera was missing at the dinner, but it was so amazing to see how much the people in Mtsiliza just love Annie!! Annie Brown, you rock!!

I apologize... pictures are a coming!!

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